Friday, 3 April 2009

Every picture tells a story

Brooke at Velvet and Linen and Mary Jo at Trust Your Style, two girls with impeccable taste and gorgeous flair, have asked me to choose one image that best shows my design style. Here is the thing...I can't. I have thought about this challenge all week and I couldn't come up with one image that defined my loves when it comes to interior design. I am fickle and I am changeable because I love to mix it up. One day I am loving shabby chic, antique or ancient and the next I am dreaming of a contemporary, minimalist home where concrete and glass are the super heroes. So guess what - I am cheating a little. Seven books in one image - each one an example and an inspiration for my mixed up and contrary style. 

A House Is Not A Home by photographer Bruce Weber is a visual essay in how to put things together - his choice of eclectic vignettes are brilliant studies. Provencal Escapes - easy one there - a feast of homes in my part of the world; every home featured sends my interior radar into overdrive. Vogue Living, Houses Gardens People - I will get to this gorgeous tome in a minute. Missing Masterpieces, which is the wild card amongst my picks but non the less interesting because I believe no room can be complete without well loved art. Art, whether modern, classical or created by children personalizes an interior; art is the individual signature in a room and tells most about the owner. Putman Style - one of my favourite French interior designers - Andree Putnam is a master when it comes to rooms that are elegant but edgy, simple but never bland. And what would interior design, personal style and house love be without fashion. Interiors should have a splash of irreverence and a dash of elegance - a little whimsy never hurt a room and nor did a little grace. Tim Walker Pictures showcases some very sublime interiors through his wacky take on fashion and Lanvin is a book of pure beauty and elegance. The use of fabrics - the detailing, the embroidery and the layering - is pure poetry and an indirect lesson in the study of soft furnishings.

Back to House, Garden, People - and now I am really breaking the 'one shot' rule. I adore this book and most of the homes featured in it, for all the reasons mentioned above - the whimsy and the elegance, the art and the furnishings, the landscapes and the settings, the people and the vignettes. Today when I opened the pages these are the images that drew my eye - tomorrow it may well be a different set. Why these particular pics?

Because I love the four poster bed and the vase with a simple camelia. I can imagine waking up in that bedroom from the perfect slumber.

Because porcelain and rich buttery croissants do the best breakfast make. I would happily wander through that secret door and cut flowers from my garden admiring my yew and box topiaries on the way.

Because to walk through a trellis of white roses is my recurring dream and to sit and read in a library of a million books comes a close second.

Because I love the arrangement of small tables in front of this canape and no room is complete without a touch of red.

and because I just love these washed pink walls.

My style is fickle, I am female after all, and it changes on any given day but there are constants. I would like to think that my rooms are inviting, not too precious, interesting but not off putting. I would hope they tell a tale or two about my family and our travels and anyone who knows me will vouch that at night they are flickering with candlelight and filled with flowers from the garden. 

Personal design style - I think it is whatever makes you happy,xv.

images - Vogue Living Houses Garden People
books - me


  1. I love how you describe your home style at the very end, Vicki - "warm and inviting".

  2. "Whatever makes you happy"... what can be better than that? Very nice post Vicki.

  3. so true vicki. i did this too, this define your style in a picture thing. and while i managed to make choice i could have easily found 10 different pictures that i loved equally for different reasons. all of them living rooms too if i had to. just to prove the point that i also love the shabby chic look, the rustic modern look, the minimalist contemporary look etc...
    too fickle. the books you chose though, i have 3 of them!
    lovely weekend to you.

  4. Loved this SO much. Being "Fickle" is just the perfect word......maybe that's why I enjoy doing other peoples homes because I can do all those other things that I don't live with. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for an inspiring reading list.

  5. Love this one! The old well relaxed into.... look is so comfy & non pretentious.. my sentiments exactly..A home that you can "live" in!
    lamaisonfou blog

  6. Hi Vicki,
    I'm with you, I could never settle on one style, ever! I could easily have 10 houses, all dressed differently. Love it all, that's the problem!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. So beautifully written! I hung on every word. It is impossible for me to choose a particular style also, but I do tend to lean towards the crumbling wall or torn upholstery on an 18th century chair. One of my favorite places of all is a small house on the French coast by Frederic Mechiche. And I have saved every article I've ever found on the houses of the Halard family...who have done rustic pink walls to grand effect.
    What a fun post! Enjoy your weekend, Vicki. I hope your daughter is still there to spend it with you.

  8. Very well put, Vicki! I think you have summed up the definition personal style very well and I can totally relate. Have a great weekend!

  9. A perfect fickle melange!

    I used to think that the way to resolve the issue of loving too many different styles , was to simply have lots of houses in a variety of places.
    Alas, they all ended up looking like the same quirky mix.

    I, too, often leave my Vogue Living open on a table to enjoy all those luscious photos, one day at a time.

    Beautiful books are true treasures.


  10. Vicki- I am so glad you have chosen more than one photo. How can a women be summed up by one photo. I am smitten with them all too... trellis of roses, library, and those pink washed walls. And of course the croissants! Last night I dreamed I was in France and was really disappointed when I woke up. And I have to say that I think you have given the perfect description as to what a home should be .."inviting, not too precious, telling a tale or two, etc. etc." I am most fascinated with peoples homes and spaces when they tell a story of who and where you have been. Life is a story after all.
    Sorry to be long winded. Have a gorgeous weekend!

  11. Hi Vicki,
    I love your post. Personal style is exactly that, whatever makes you happy. Yours is beautiful and warm. Classic and inspired. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Wonderful choices! I have almost all of the books pictured :-)

  13. I love love love this post! And every book you picked! I couldn't agree more and could happily snuggle into each photo you posted.

    xo Mary Jo

  14. I love all these images and love your description as a style of living rather than a look. Isn't that the purpose of all these fabulous spaces after all?!?

  15. I think evolving and changing style preferences are normal. That is what makes us all unique!

    Those washed pink walls have me swooning!

  16. I fully agree. If we surround ourselves with things that bring us joy, we can't go wrong.
    A happy home does not require a professional, just a good eye and plenty of love.
    Have a lovely weekend, Bridgette

  17. Love your chosen photos! You have wonderful style... no doubt!

  18. so many design styles, so little time!

  19. these images are so so amazing!! think i need the Lavin & Tim Walker book too :)

    have a lovely weekend! xx

  20. I enjoyed your discription off style in the last paragraph of your post and agree whole heartedly with it.

  21. what a great post... we have the same fun to see it put this way...have a wonderful weekend...

  22. Brooke also asked me to do the 'one picture challenge', but I just spent to much time on my last post that I need to take a few days off! But, I am really looking forward to spending an hour on my flickr files to try to pick an image.

    At the beginning of every year, I do a 'virtual home' to track my current taste. I pick one picture to represent all of the main rooms in a house, and I find it incredibly challenging to even pick just one room from each type (dining room, living room, etc).

  23. I got your book from my DH, I instantly fall in love with it (smile) Any other book in the future? Love your style. lucky to find your blog.

    Julie in OZ

  24. Vicki - You must have overlooked adding your book to the stack for a total of eight books of decorating style.
    Can't wait for your new book. When will it be out?

    Have a lovely weekend!
    The Bloom Girls

  25. Totally agree....people ask me about my design style, and I can't peg it except something between rustic and formal...
    Books and magazines- I don't know what I would do without them- they are calming to read and spark so much interest within!

  26. Lovely post...and I agree with you that no room is complete without a touch of red.

  27. I'm with you. You came up with the perfect solution for one picture describing your style.
    Have a great day!
    Come join "Doors to Adore" this Tuesday. I'd love to share your door style for spring.

  28. This is so true...I think like our lives, our homes are constantly evolving and changing according to what is happening at a given time. I love changing things around in my home, according to the seasons and how I feel. You couldn't have put it better...

  29. It would be quite difficult to show one's style in just one picture, I should think. You handled the problem very well. For myself...colour, books, dogs, flowers, fireplaces and trees...deep bathtubs and four-poster beds. Now...if there happened to be a photo encapsulating all of might be possible!

  30. Vicki,
    I loved that you "cheated" or rather I would say- you found a creative solution,-again! And I agree with you about the appeal of a fickle style,-- evolving, and morphing with the seasons, new friends or travels... I can not be pinned down either- thanks for sharing-super post.

  31. Hi Vicki,

    I'm with you 100%. I have a new love, a new look everyday that I'm interested in and pining for. Depends on the day and my mood I guess. But, to be defined by one style would be cramp-worthy. Just as I get bored with the colors on my walls after a year or two, I'm the same way with style I guess. Always wanting to change something, always wanting to add new throw pillows or some accent piece. That's the problem with being in the design business... seeing something new everyday that you want!

  32. Hi Vicki,
    I just found your blog and an so happy I did! I love how you explain your stlye! I too love to mix it up as I can never stick with just one look. I like it that way though, still beautiful but interesting as well!
    Really wonderful post!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Vicki, I'm so glad your style is indefinable - it's much more fun! Despite the mental picture of you mooching around the farm in your UGG boots, I think you are a Style Queen & don't let anyone tell you otherwise. With our current project, I reckon mine must be '1972 meets 2009' or Abba crashes head first into Kings of Leon. I have a very strong feeling that Verandah or Marie Claire Maison won't be knocking on my door any time soon begging to do a cover story on that look!

    Loved the title of this post - I know I'll be hearing good old Rod Stewart singing in my head for the rest of the weekend.
    Millie ^_^

  34. Oh I could not agree with you more, I am the same way... my taste changes like the wind and I would not have it any other way, after all at the end of the decorating day as long as your happy what more could you ask?!?! Another great post!!All the best, Chrissy

  35. so true! I am very fickle as well.. the "constants" (my little treasures) make me happy no matter what room, vignette I display them in!

  36. Great post Vicki.
    I often tell my husband that I need a couple of homes to create the different looks and the feel that I love.
    I think so long as each room makes you smile as you walk into or past it - then you know you have it right!!

  37. Wow... Adorable photos, darling.


  38. A little this and a little that...the best style.

  39. No truer words said - "my style is fickle".
    One of the best posts ever!
    xo xo

  40. Great photos. Loving all things French, I've put you on my list of favorites. So many great ones out there and am enjoying yours!

  41. Just in your book titles this image shows off your insight and creativity. Plus the colors of the books can add color to any side table or room. We have an apple red lamp and now have books beside it for flair and with the same apple red color. I love your blog!

  42. Thank you for breaking the rules so beautifully, Vicki, and thank you for the introduction to such beautiful books.
    I just got back from New Orleans and realized how fickle I am as well. Who knew that a girl who loves all neutral interiors could be enamored with the rich colors of New Orleans?
    Thank you for playing along!

    xo xo

  43. Lovely post, Vicki! My style is more boho, vintage chic, Cath Kidston but I do have to say that your book is one that gives me total inspiration. It really is food for the soul.
    I also love the pink washed walls and those fairy-tale white roses!

  44. I'm so glad I'm not alone in the corner of aeverchanging and mixing it up! I just love your posts - you are so candid and wonderful.
    xo Isa

  45. What great happy chic visuals! Your site is really marvelous and I enjoyed viewing very much.
    Happy Twirls


Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv