Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Belle du Jour

French film versus filing... I pick...French film.

I know that Christmas is well and truly over when I begin to dismantle the decorations and start worrying about French accounting. January is the month that I have to organize my accounts for the last year and present them to le comptable.  Accounts are not my strong point nor do they fascinate me like they should and nor should I leave them to the very last minute...but I have (always do) and so I made a little bargain with myself. 
If I manage to get through a suitable amount of my files during the day I will allow myself the luxury of watching a favourite French movie late in the afternoon. I know, indulgent you think, but I am up and at the desk pretty early so I reason it is fair and beneficial in the late afternoon if I watch my cinematic treat. After all it is the incentive I need to start back at the desk the next day....Right?
My first re-watch yesterday was the very beautiful Catherine Deneuve in Belle du Jour, the 1967 movie by Spanish director Louis Bunuel.

Belle du Jour was nominated for a Bafta film award and the recipient of four European awards in 1969. The title means daylight beauty and refers to a flower that blooms only during the day and seemingly 'belle du jour is' a play on the phrase, 'belle de nuit' which translates as lady of the night.

Catherine Deneuve plays a young and beautiful Parisian housewife, who has a fear of intimacy with her husband, so takes up a secret life as an escort in the afternoons.

The Parisian locations and sets are well worth a watch but the real star of this movie is Catherine Deneuve's wardrobe designed by the late Yves Saint-Laurent. During the filming of Belle du Jour they formed a friendship that would last for his lifetime. As his muse, she continued to model for him and wear his creations in many of her film roles.

The dresses and the coats worn in this film are some of Yves Saint-Laurent's finest work and are the designs that he is best remembered for. Timeless and elegant, Catherine Deneuve looks stylish and chic in every scene and her wardrobe would be easily wearable today. Even her Fez like and pill box hats are fabulous, not to mention the Roger Vivier pumps, signature black clutch and oversized sunglasses. 

In 2002 American director Martin Scorsese promoted a release of Belle du Jour on DVD so if you haven't seen it before, take a look. It is a little '60's French erotic', which seems outdated now, but it is worth the plot to soak up Catherine Deneuve's wardrobe. 

Me, I would wear it all.


  1. Oh I will have to see this film. I love Catherine, she is beautiful. I make little bargains with myself like you do... it's the only way to survive brain numbing paperwork! A-M xx

  2. Making bargains with yourself - what a great way to get yourself through mundane tasks, I must remember that one!
    I've never seen this movie, but I have been wanting to. I also want to see a recent French movie with Audrey Tatou called Priceless. I've heard her wardrobe in that movie is fantastic too.

  3. Great post.

    I like the idea of a cinematic afternoon treat!

  4. vintage outfits? I LOVE! the best way to get through regular must do but not so exciting things is to treat yourself a little in between! (like me who's supposed to do revision but i'm taking mini breaks ever now & then to surf on blogland!) ;)

  5. Catherine Deneuve looks so pretty and open with her simple hairdo and smart dress. BTW I've been reading "Almost French" and thinking of you, Vicki.

  6. They were such a great combo - Yves and Catherine. And Bunuel makes three. I remember wearing those jumpers with the low slung belts. I still love the clothes from that period. And her hairstyles.

  7. Sounds like a good flick. Coming of age in the sixties, I have a great fondness for the fashion during that time frame. The clothes remind me of my high school days.

    It seems so looooong ago!!!

  8. LOVE THESE PHOTOS. I am buying the film on DVD today from Amazon!
    PS ~ I am not fond of going to le comptable either!

  9. I dream of the Roger Vivier shoes that Catherine wears in Belle du Jour.

  10. Vicki~ I must look for this film.
    I think it's important to finish a task we set and then reward ourselves with these small joys.

  11. Quelle belle film! It's like an early Sex and the City where the city is a character, only a bit more classique...glad you're getting thru the mundane. I should do the same, you're inspiring me!

  12. Deneuve was truly a goddess. Just look at those eyes! And you're correct, those magnificent clothes would be just the thing for today. I do miss Yves!

  13. this just went on my must see list! thank you for sharing!
    love that black dress!

  14. Oh I love Belle du Jour- I happened upon it late one night on the Sundance channel and was drawn in immediately... I also love that you bribe yourself when filing- hey whatever works!

  15. I love that you have listed some great French films to see on your site already, and this one I will add to my list! Good luck with the filing and enjoy the break!

  16. it's been a long time since I have seen this...I'll put in my queue. I'm lucky that my husband does all of the accounting before he takes it to our accountant (now THAT'S a lot of counting!)I really have no clue in regards to taxes, year end reviews, etc...I'd rather watch a movie!

  17. I'm incredibly surprised that their was only a small mention of Roger Vivier. The famous Pilgrim shoes are nicked named after this movie and have been an icon in the fashion world. As another shoe lover I would have expected some sort of declaration from you! I do love your blog though, and your pictures are enchanting and make me want to go back to live in Europe again. Ciao darling and keep up the fantastic work!

  18. Dear Anonymous, It is so funny you should say that about the Roger Vivier shoes because I had written an extra blurb about them in the post and then deleted it. I thought when re-reading that I do go on a bit and that I should calm down about the shoes!! Very perceptive you are, xv.

  19. Oh, yea! Great movie, great black and white picutes! I make a simialr deal with myself as I work from home right now and need incentive to get things done on some days. It's a great motivator and it works!

  20. The greatest compliment I ever received was in the 60's when I was in my 20's someone said I looked like Catherine Denueve

  21. I'll have to add this movie to my must see list. I think rewarding yourself is an excellent incentive to get yourself through the things you really despise doing.

  22. How gorgeous is Catherine ... a true beauty with classic bone structure!!
    and speaking of fashion...just returned from japan to the land of oz...with the most gorgeous japanese fashion mags...full of smocks/dresses/bags etc..with the patterns at the back..

    stunning...gorgeous fashions which i shall be emulating this coming winter..(with the help of my dress maker of I cannot sew)..

    BUT anything french inspires me..
    so I love your blog....inspirational...(i feel a little embarrassed by my little blog)!!
    xxx andrea

  23. It's a good idea to have "treats" to get you through the day.

    P.S. I indeed do drink stuff stronger than Horlicks to get me through winter!

  24. love the pix of catherine deneuve.

    and i'm TOTALLY the same as you with the accounting. i have a VAT deadline closing in, but haven't yet bribed myself with anything...i think i'll just hire an accountant...

  25. I think a film in the afternoon is a perfect reward for getting at it first thing in the morning. I will remember your idea. Thanks for the visual treat and bon courage today!

  26. she is so exquisite in this movie !

    i like your movie choices. One of my fave books is actually Buñuel's biography "Mon dernier soupir"

    well...happy accounting then Vicki !

  27. just put it on my netflix queue

  28. can you imagine going through life that beautiful ?? omg

    i am going to get my hands on the movie and watch it, i know i will love it. thank you.


  29. Oh, this film looks very titillating for sure! Catherine D is such a beauty, isn't she!!

    Can't wait to see Belle du Jour! Thanks for the tip!

  30. I would even choose poking myself in the eye with a needle over filing.

  31. This looks like another one for my netflix queue. Thanks for the inspiration.


  32. She is so beautiful, isn't she? I've seen this film and I agree with you wholeheartedly about her wardrobe. Ah, we should all be so lucky to have a personal designer like Yves! Hope you are having a fabulous New year (accounting and all)!

  33. Catherine Deneuve is gorgeous at EVERY age! Amazing beauty!

  34. How clever of you to treat yourself after dealing with unpleasant tasks! I, too, have encouraged myself to achieve certain goals with similar rewards. Catherine Deneuve has always been the epitome of French elegance and beauty. I have admired her for so long and was thrilled to see her in your blog with her fabulous wardrobe by one of the best designers. I also adored her beautiful frangrance that is no longer available. If anyone in France comes across a bottle or two, I would be ever so grateful as I am a collector of perfumes.

  35. i've not seen the movie but i really like the little black dress she is owearing in one of these phtos! takes me right back to the 60's!!

    thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words!!

  36. Thanks for stopping by my little blog! I love Catherine and watched the Umbrellas over the Christmas holidays about 3 times. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing about this one, I don't know that I knew about it and so will add it to my list of must sees!

  37. Darling Vicki - happy new year from little Adelaide!

    I loved your 'Heathrow injection' post. I'm planning to head to England/Europe for six weeks in September for a wedding and travels and I'm hoping to by-pass the injection, I'm already battling the bulge thank you very much!

    Have you see "Welcome to the Sticks"? - the Moonlight cinema in the botanic gardens is on here at the moment and my precious friend Pippa ( and I went and saw this fabulous french movie.

    looking forward to French Essence in 2009 - may it be a fabulous and fun year for you and your family xx

  38. Oh, I am totally renting that this weekend.

  39. Thanks for reminding me how amazingly chic Catherine D. was in that movie. She wore YSL better than anyone I think--great post!

  40. This was probably the film that turned me into a hopeless Francophile! I happened by it on the television an afternoon long ago and was struck by the classic, elegant fashions she wore. Thank you for this beautiful tribute a beautiful woman.


Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv