Monday, 3 November 2008

Take a bow please,

and come up on stage to collect your prize.
I am so pleased to announce that The Daily Connoisseur and Oliveaux are the two winners to receive signed copies of photographer, Carla Coulson's new book, Paris Tango.

I have read so many wonderful, creative and clever comments that I feel as if it is me who is the winner this week. Thank you everyone for sharing your dreams, your delicious memories and experiences of Paris - I think deep down there is a little 'Parisian' in all of us.

(could the winners please email me their postal address so i can send off the copies)

the gorgeous image above is again compliments of Carla Coulson


  1. Thank you Vicki for allowing us to share ... congratulations to Daily Connoisseur and Oliveaux ...

  2. congrats to you both! what a wonderful give away. Thanks vicki!! it was fun sharing

  3. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for letting us share with your our memories of Paris. I am going to purchase the book as it looks wonderful!!!


  4. What a fantastic surprise! (And wonderful news to wake up to)... I am so thrilled- merci beaucoup!

  5. Congratulations to The daily connoisseur and Amanda of Oliveaux! An outstanding win :)

    Thanks Vicki for a great giveaway, I really enjoyed writing about my Parisian memories :) I can now rush out and buy this amazing book.

    Anna :)

    p.s Are you having a punt on the Melbourne Cup today? ;)

  6. Anna - i would love to, any tips??

  7. Hi Vicki, Thank you for visiting my blog and happy reading to Daily Connoisseur and Oliveaux. I love the sense of community across oceans and the sharing of dreams and ideas that happens on your blog. Margie.

  8. Vicki, my money is on Profound Beauty and C'est la guerre purely cause I like the names lol. Good luck with your picks.

    Anna :)

  9. Such a fabulous surprise...thank you so much for a beautiful giveaway! Amanda xx

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Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv