Thursday, 26 February 2009

To blog or not to blog...that is the question

I would like to discuss.

In the last few days I have been thinking about this thing we do called blogging - the whys, the hows and the who fors. 

Why have I been thinking about this? Because blogsters, three of my very dearly loved blogs have decided to take a break, re-think and re- evaluate. I am of course talking about Absolutely Beautiful Things, Villa Anna and Lily- G - although I see that Judy has decided to re-enter the blogosphere on a part time basis. Judy, all I can say is you have made my morning and I am soooo happy you have reconsidered.

I think I feel a sense of personal loss at their surprise departure because if it weren't for these three Ozzie girls I don't know that I would have ever attacked, negotiated and conquered the google template and started French Essence. I am an old dog learning new tricks here and it is from these girls that I have felt encouraged, inspired and ready to tackle this arduous sport called blogging.

I first discovered 'the blog' and how it worked several years ago when Anna from Absolutely Beautiful Things, Judy from Lily-G and Anna from Villa Anna decided to review, My French Life and as they have such an enormous following in blog land it meant that many other blogs found out about my book and the word spread... the rest is history - I am now finishing a second book and have become a committed blogster. I believe that these three girls were my greatest publicists and without them I never would have had such success with my book or started blogging. I cannot ever thank them enough and sometimes words just don't do the trick. This is one of those ocassions.

Which brings me to the reason why I blog. I began blogging as a way to keep my writing alive and as a way to keep myself creatively challenged between projects. I wanted to keep a connection with My French Life readers and to post about the things that are dear to my heart but don't necessarily make it into an official publication. That was then, but now, blogging has become so much more for me. I still find it creatively stimulating and a challenge to think of something each week that will entertain  - anyone who knows me understands that I like a challenge - but most importantly I have found real connections with like minded souls. I have laughed, cried, gasped and pondered with so many of you that I consider we are now friends, not random keyboard tappers in cyber space; in time we will no doubt become really great friends and in truth we blog for each other.

Enough said, you get the picture, I am loving blogging but the 'how to blog' is the important part of my rant today.

To blog well is time consuming. It is time consuming because an idea is born and that has a gestation period all of it's own; the idea requires photographs which in turn means time searching or time editing and then the formulated idea has to be loaded into the vehicle that takes you live. This is significant time out of busy lives. And then there is the commenting. We all want comments and comments are the barometer of posting - Was it interesting? Did it visually excite? Is anybody reading this? Comments answer all these questions - loads of comments and we are flying high; no comments means a re-think and a new post from a different viewpoint. To make comments, to respond to comments and to answer emails is also time consuming but blogging is about sharing ideas and feedback - without this blogsters, it would be an unfulfilling and solitary business. Not in the spirit of the sport at all.

What I am getting at here is that all this can mean pressure, with a capital P. It can become a pressure to find new and clever ideas, it can be a pressure to make the perfect comment and it can be a pressure to find the time to do all of the above. Oftentimes pressure is a necessary evil to get a job done but there are degrees and then there are degrees. I sometimes feel the pressure and I am pretty sure there are many of you out there who do too.  Is this what happened to my favourite girls?

I won't stop blogging and nor do I want anymore of my blogster pals to stop either, so when and if you feel the pressure breath deeply, relax and worry not if a post isn't clever enough, pretty enough, or perfectly spelt and grammatically correct. When and if this happens to me I might even take a few days off, a week or perhaps two  - venture outside away from this Apple temptress of mine and breathe some fresh air. I know that we will be understanding of each other if the posts are few and far between from time to time. xv

William Shakespeare brought to you via google


  1. I am hearing you! While I too love to blog (and have been doing it for a few years) I sometimes drop off for a while. That doesn't matter as I always seem to pick up my old and some new readers along the way!

  2. Any Pressure is NOT welcome!
    So I agree, that if you feel pressure, just take a break and re-evaluate. What is your real reasons for blogging and in what way to go.
    I observe on myself, that after over one year of blogging, I have deep need of going further, develop and do things in different way - this is natural.
    If you keep doing things all the time same way, there comes routine that kills the creativity.
    I observe also that blogging is a journey of personal development in certain areas, so maybe you need to define where to take NEXT step.
    I am preparing a blog post which is an interview with somebody for who blogging has changed her life. I will publish in 2 days.

  3. First of all, here's a hug. :) It makes me sad that what should be a creative and fun outlet turns to pressure. I saw a "blogging without obligation" banner on someone's site and clicked on it - I liked the sentiment, so I put it on my blog. Here's the link:

    I hope your friends didn't leave because of pressure, and that life just got too busy for now, and that they return.

    I love visiting like-minded, beautiful, inspiring blogs - it adds to the charge of my own creativity. I never hold the person of that blog under any obligation to return the visits, comments and I certainly don't want them to feel pressure, and I know that I don't ever want to feel that -- it would be the end of my time here. Pressure is not my friend.

    I think creative people are hard on themselves, and I'm glad that you posted this. I think everyone should be "blogging without obligation" and for the pure joy of it!
    Sorry for the mini novel!
    xo Isa

  4. When I first saw your the title of your post my heart skipped a beat - I thought, 'Oh no! Surely not Vicki too!' Thank goodness you are not going. I'm still fairly new to blogging, so not feeling pressure - just enjoying it immensely - but I think that if you need time out now and again to keep your fires burning, then that's totally ok, we'll still be here when you get back! Whether you are blogging daily or just once a fortnight, I'll be reading!

  5. Very well written. I was hoping someone would write about this!

    I can understand the blog pressure concept. I have had so many people ask me why I blog when I am not promoting a business, get no financial reward out of blogging, and (at times) spend so much time on blog posts. I do it because it keeps my writing skills honed, it keeps my research skills sharp, and it enables me to share my love of interior design, art, and architecture with the world - and it seems like there are a lot of like-minded readers out there! Like you, I have been amazed at the blog buddies out there who get as excited about making an exciting interior design discovery as I do.

    It does seem like there are so many new and fabulous blogs out there every day; when I first started blogging in '07, there were not too many design blogs. I have kept on going since then, but I have also taken extended periods of non-blogging time with only a post a month or so. I have had times when I thought to myself 'Why bother, no one is reading'. But I have also had times when I felt like I nailed a post, when a post has given me support and encouragement from my readers, when a post causes readers to think of my blog every time they see something (like herringbone floors), when I have made a new acquaintance through my blog that feels like a kindred spirit.

  6. Hi Vicki, I am happy for you to take a day or two...maybe a week???....but do not leave us!! You must remember that you too inspire all that have come after you, as others have inspired you, if you must, walk outside, smell the roses, then return to your apple and blog, blog, blog!!!!
    Regards from another "Aussi" girl.

  7. You have summed up (very eloquently I might add) exactly what I have been feeling about the withdrawal of two of my favourite bloggers, Anna (Absolutely Beautiful Things) and Villa Anna. I have only been blogging for a couple of months but already I am feeling some (self-induced) pressure - what will I blog? what questions should I ask? should I ask questions? why do I want/need comments when I'm essentially doing this for myself? can I keep up the pace? etc. etc.

    But please know this, it doesn't matter if your posts don't hit the mark (which is rarely the case), I will always, always drop by to visit and read. It's my daily 'caffeine fix' - some days the coffee tastes great, other days so-so, but you're addicted so what can you do!!!

    Thank you for bringing the marvellous French Essence to life.

  8. Hear, hear! We too feel the pressure of blogging and my messy house at least is testament to the amount of time it takes up!! It is funny to think that a couple of years ago I hardy knew what a blog was, and would probably have considered it a waste of time. That was before I knew how connected you can feel with people on the other side of the world.

    I think that we are our own harshest critics in the blog land. I never worry about whether other people make grammatical errors or don't have the perfect photo, and yet I put that pressure upon myself. Your advice to relax and enjoy the ride is timely.

    Clare x

  9. Don't worry blogster buddies - I am going no where any time soon. I probably didn't express myself very clearly but I have since had a little edit and hopefully managed to make my argument a bit clearer!

  10. beautifully written as were all the comments!!

    But such is life. It morphs, it changes...and we with it. For now...It's a beautiful thing!!

    I like now.

    ...and love your blog,and glad you are doing it now.

  11. Hi Vicki,

    What a great post and one which certainly hit the spot for me!

    I must say I never thought I would see the day that I would give up blogging but earlier this week I totally lost it. The pressure of running my business, my blog, my family all came to a head. It wasn't nice let me tell you!

    But I have spent the last couple of days resting, reviewing, thinking and realising that I really do love blogging so very much. It has brought so much joy to my life and I am missing it and it has only been a few days. I feel like there is a huge void!

    So, just between you and me and your readers I am planning on coming back sooner rather than later but maybe just in smaller doses.

    It's been people like you Vicki who have made me realise this week how much ABT has inspired others. The phone calls and emails I have received have blown me away...literally! How can I give up this huge part of my life??

    Looking forward to returning soon!

    Thanks for this post. It was a great read!


  12. Great post Vicki!!! I actually see my blog as such a positive in my life that I really don't at times think about what I am sharing, sort of just like writing a journal to yourself but other people get to read it...My writing skills aren't great and at first that did worry me but then I thought I can share pretty pictures and that would make it all better...I have met some of the most inspirational people here and I hope my journey continues for a long time to come...I really think if bloggers feel pressure just don't blog we will definitely all understand... Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts...Take care C xx

  13. Good morning Vicki! I so enjoyed your blog this morning, my first visit. I agree with you about the pressure of blogging, a way it is good, I have accomplished more (projects) and am breathlessly excited when taking the completed picture! must inspire many are to them what these 3 creative gals have been to you. Think of the women you have inspired or caused to do things better or prettier because of your ideas. This is a wonderful thing! You have a lovely blog and I am sure it causes lovely thoughts and ideas in women that you may never know...but keep it going...don't ever turn your creative faucet needs to flow!

  14. You are one of my favorite blogs...please don't quit. I feel like the bloggers are dropping out too quickly. Reading my favorite blogs is definitely the relaxing part of my day--the last thing I do before bed. With 3 kids, it keeps me going. It inspires me.

  15. My name is Lori and I am a blogoholic.


    I have been thinking a lot lately about how it is no longer possible for me to blog so much. It doesn't help when my husband says he will comment on my blog to tell me something when I am not paying attention to him.

    I've only been blogging since last fall and it's a great deal of fun but lately I have been feeling the pressure of being pulled in the direction of MY ACTUAL LIFE instead of my virtual life. Actual life wins.

    So, I've decided rather than posting every day, I will post less often (although, inevitably something happens that I MUST post about). I have started skipping weekends, too.

    And if you need a break or to post less frequently, we are all happy to take what we get from you. No pressure. Except the pressure we put on ourselves. xo

  16. Good Morning,
    Such a well written post about the issue I also plan to address. I am only 5 months into blogging and it was such a shock that this whole world existed. I started mine as a simple diary of my renovation so my family and friends could follow the progress. Now, when I don't post for a week I get emails and phone calls. Then in the past couple weeks I have noticed at least 5 women "taking a break". We have created our own monsters. By being excited about the possibilities - we constantly raise the bar - better photos, more history, music, graghs, blogger awards ...on and on.

    We (I use the term loosely as I don't include myself in here as a blogger but a reader) need to step back and cut each other some slack. Expect to hear somthing from our bloggie friends once or twice a week and rejoice in that.

    Viva La Blog

  17. I was moved by your comments this AM, Vicki. Blogging IS a labor of love and you add so much love to our lives.
    It's enriching to read a blog by a good writer (you) who has a point of view. The view from your head is always inspiring.
    Thanks for taking the time to share with us, take a break when you need it, but don't leave us!
    I need my London/St.Remy fix from French Essence.

  18. I'm glad you wrote this.I know i haven't been blogging long, but i always had the idea that blogging was for fun and should never be a chore. If you don't blog for a while, who cares? there's no need to stress about it or apologize. Blogs are for those to say whatever they want, short or long, it doesn't matter. It can take minutes or hours of your day! I'm loving it, i escape for a while. I did it to relax and look for the good in life!! I have the blogging without obligation on mine.xx

  19. Vicki- I so appreciated this post. I think it was something that needed to be written about and discussed. You wrote about it beautifully and I know many thank you. Just the knowing you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts makes things more tolerable. Even in my little 'baby' blog where I just show my own project and photos I experience so many of the issues you wrote about. Sometimes I even think, heck I'll just click that little 'delete' button and be done with it, and then I wake up to a delightful charming comment, and I am renewed! Truth be told my comments have gotten me over many humps in my project. I was just telling my husband what a blessing it has been to have this outside support!
    So if my little blog makes me feel this way and have no idea how you, or Joni at Cote de Texas or Brooke at Velvet and Linen, for example do it all. The photos, the research, the writing.... wow. All I know is I am glad you all do! I have learned so much since I discovered design blogs a mere 7 months ago! I owe you all a debt of gratitude.

  20. I also have a blog problem, I just want to tell you that you are all a big part of are daily lives. It is like having a daily lunch date w/ the girls!! I feel inspired, and the books and movies I have now read and watched ( the Tutors wow). The products and etc. You all have such talents, it has replaced the magazines that have disappeared. You either start my day or end it. I thank you for enhancing my life!!

  21. Hi Vicki~I hear you, I started blogging on a complete whim, searching on the net for Ginnie Maghner home in Provence. To my surprise I found Villa Anna and what a beautiful blog that is! I searched her blog for two days, captivated by every words and picture. And then I found all these other blogs, about French homes, interiors, art etc…I thought I died and gone to heaven. I would hear people talking about blogging and I thought it had more to do with “NEWS” or politics. I never in my wildest dreams thought blogging was about interior design, or a French life or beautiful art. I am mad about these blogs! Without blogs I would never have found your fabulous book. At the time I found blogs, Ness talked about your book a lot! I knew I had to have it. And I am sooo glad I do.

    With blogs, maybe a break from time to time is required for us all. Maybe a break for us to recapture the essence to what brought us to blogs in the first place is what some of us need. Maybe a break to capture the creativity we feel is gone, rejuvenate our spirit. I hope you stay with blogging, reading your post makes me feel I’m in Provence and living a French life. It’s my little escape!

  22. Madam Vicki-
    As I started reading your post this a.m., my heart went pitter/patter, thinking that "oh no" she's also going to quit. Thank heavens, that wasn't the case! I love reading your blogs, and I loved that you were the first one to comment on my blog, especially because in my small world, you are HUGE! I own your book for pete's sake, and you and I, and your other fans, have practically become friends. So please, keep blogging...and I'm so looking forward to your second book (no pressure)!
    -marie @ mariesmarche

    P.S. Thanks for articulating so well what blogging means to us!

  23. Hi dear Vicki -
    I'm right there with ya! I kept my blog private for five months before going public and I felt much more creative. Writing creatively is important to me. Things need time to incubate. Lately I have been feeling like a copywriter - something I have no interest in, or skill in - just not my thing. I am in the same mindset as you at the moment. Have been thinking of perhaps another way of doing things - still blogging, but in some different way or rhythm. I can't seem to keep up with the commenting at all and I feel terrible if I miss someone or forget to visit a new follower. But it is so time consuming that I am not spending enough time on my art which is my number one priority, so something has to change. (And what is up with that hideous new Follower widget! It's so aestetically unpleasing that I moved it halfway down my sidebar! Sorry - A Ranting Break!)

    I think we need an International No-Comment Week!

    Thanks for this post,
    Catherine xx

  24. Vicki .. . as one very new to blogging (and feeling I haven't really found my focus), I wanted to leave a little note of thanks for this post. Well put, as always. It seems that so many of us have found a few kindred spirits in bloglandia and their presence enriches our lives. Obviously, your presence is of value to MANY! Count me in on the long list of those who look forward to what you are thinking and seeing .. . . but,
    No Pressure implied. "Whenever" is perfect ... . Judith

  25. Actually, blogging, for me, has become a wonderful way to relieve pressure, as it is an outlet for all the colours that crash and tumble around in my mind. Because interior design has been my profession for years, I have long put my writing aside, except for travel letters to like minded friends. So for me, to be able to articulate the pictures I see inside has been a delightful experience. The amazingly creative and generous people who comment on my blog, and those whose blogs I visit, (like you!) are delicious icing on the cake!! So, I guess I'm not tired yet!

  26. Such an eloquent post and so perfectly put! I must admit though, I don't feel the pressure that everyone else seems to feel. Maybe because I am not a design blog but more a project diary. I just post about 'yesterday' or tomorrow', basically how I am feeling and what I am experiencing in the moment. I can relate to your sentiments about true friends and not random keyboard tappers. I thrive on the friendships I have made and get up one hour earlier than I used to, in order to visit my friends as often as I can. I suppose that's where I feel some pressure... visiting back. I want my friends to know that I so appreciate their comments and the time they have given my little blog out of their busy day. Maybe that's why my posts are quite basic.. I spend too much time visiting and not enough time pondering and creating! A-M xx

  27. i was discussing this very thing with someone on facebook this morning.

    i was considering dropping off...
    it is definately everything you stated.

    don't go, too many will miss you , including moi.


  28. Yes! Oblogation! I posted on it some time back. But, seriously, blogging is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, on so many levels, that have already been metioned.

  29. Gosh girl, what an awesome post! I read it last night & honestly, I couldn't comment, needed to sleep on it & let my subconscious get my thoughts in order. You have raised so many salient points, beautifully responded to by all our Partners-In-Crime!

    I guess because The Hedge (read as Miss Millie!) is all over the place with posts & difficult to categorize, I've never felt any pressure from Blog World. My take on it is that it's always been such fun to do (after all I am married to MOTH & so have endless material!). My most rewarding moments are when someone's left a comment saying they are crying because they've laughed so much! So my dear friend, the day the fun disappears, so do I - gone with one swift click of the Delete Blog button!!!
    Millie ^_^

  30. This is a fabulous post Vicki for all the reasons everyone has said & I am glad to hear that you are not going anywhere! Amanda x

  31. I look at this as a way of connecting..I live out and so many times I go through days with so little interaction with people this has been great for me....I love your blog and how it inspired you!!!People should not feel pressure to perform,,, I can see how that happens in the blogging world..It should just be an outlet for release and well as other things also!! Not something you feel like you have to live up to..That happens in real life everyday!!!

  32. I look at this as a way of connecting..I live out and so many times I go through days with so little interaction with people this has been great for me....I love your blog and how it inspired you!!!People should not feel pressure to perform,,, I can see how that happens in the blogging world..It should just be an outlet for release and well as other things also!! Not something you feel like you have to live up to..That happens in real life everyday!!!

  33. For me, blogging is a way to push myself to discover and rediscover things and share them with friends along the way. Not the other way in feeling an expectation from others to constantly update.

    It's a state of mind I guess...just remind yourself you're doing it for your own pleasure and take a break if you're not in the mood.

  34. When I read the title of your post, I gasped! and thought, "Oh no, not her, too!" Thank you goodness this is not an "I'm not going to blogging any more" post. Several of my favorites have stopped and it feels like I lost friends who made up a part of my everyday. I have no idea why I blog. I have no "theme". I put up whatever I'm thinking about at the moment but at the same time, I don't share the day to day events of my life so, I guess I'm not that type of blogger either. I had no plan when I started mine and am sometimes a bit afraid of it. I get blog block and fear that if it lasts too long, my 4 readers will forget to stop by. Part of why I started my blog was for my Mom but I have no idea if she ever looks at it. She certainly has not mastered the art of commenting on it...ever. I have found some amazing friends through this strange world and maybe I keep blogging so that I can continue to hang out with them...their blogs, like this one, are WAY cooler than mine. As for comment numbers and pressure? I don't have any of that. If I judged my blog by the number of readers I would FAIL! So, I have that going for me! I find that I have to step back and take that deep breath when the realization hits me again that I am a follower in the blogging world and not a leader. This is not the role I play in real life. It's a bit humbling. But, since I can't stick with one thing or idea for every long, it's best I don't have a theme I feel I have to live up to.

    Now this was most definitely not a perfect comment!

  35. I have the opposite problem and that is I don't Blog but I'm an avid reader of Blogs and don't have enough time to read them all! Too many times I should have left a comment and let a day slip and then never found time in my busy life to return. There are so many fab Blogs out there with such great writing, images and ideas that it's impossible to keep up with them all. I haven't visited Carla in awhile for example...
    I have really loved your Blog and found a different way of looking at things through your eyes which is what a great Blog should make you do. The post I think I forgot to comment on was the auctions catalogue which was one of the best posts I've read anywhere!
    I don't think you'll stop but I do beg you to slow down the posts if you're needing a break.
    Family, friends and time away from the computer can only enrich your offerings when you return.

  36. Here, here Vicki...
    At the end of the day I think that blogging is such a lovely way to connect with people and to share thoughts and ideas. As human beings, we require this kind of connection. For me, blogging is a kind of life line - a way to embrace those around me both in Australia and offshore, who share my love of home and living. I'm constantly inspired by what I see and read.
    Keep blogging all - it's great to see so many creative souls putting beautiful and interesting ideas out into the universe.

  37. you are one of my favorite bloggers and this is truly a fabulous post! i completely understand, the pressure, the time and the creative thoughts that go in to all of our post daily. it can be difficult.
    I have found I love blogging, i love the connections and the inspiration I find in others. I started blogging to fill my life with creative goodness, to get away from sadness. It has been a positive influence in my life and I hope to continue to post and read all my favorites!!
    thank you Vicki for your blog and your inspiration!!

  38. I love the challenge and immediacy of blogging. You put something out you just dreamed up and someone on the other side of the globe catches your drift and is thrilled.
    Instant gratification!
    Is there anything better for the artist?
    If this wasn't great fun would we do it?
    Probably not.

  39. Good advice. Blogging can be incredibly time consuming and create a lot of pressure. I think that once it becomes a pressure then it is time to reassess ones reason for blogging.

  40. Hi Vicki,

    I know EXACTLY how you feel! I've only been doing my blog since last September, but it is a commitment and it is work and sometimes it does feel like a chore. But, there are times when it is fun, when it does inspire you, when it does teach you and when it does make your heart stretch a bit. The greatest thing that I get from blogging are the friendships that I've made, if only through a few simple typed words. I can tell that they are from incredible women, who have a lot of love and support to offer. And, I am only too happy to reciprocate that support to them! Yes, blogging gives me a kind of support that I may not necessarily receive in other areas of my life. And for that, it feels good and keeps me going week to week.

    I would like to say that I enjoy your blog and your incredibly poetic strung-together words, as you have the gift of the typed word! And I have found you to be one of those incredible women who I've found through the blogging world who feels like a long-lost friend "out there", waiting in the wings and one that I'd love to continue sharing blog comments with for a long time, if not a greater friendship someday!!!

    Keep on blogging because we'd miss you if you stopped!

  41. I adore blogging! It has been soooo wonderful to connect with so many people around the world. I never dreamed this world possible. I feel that I have made some incredible connections. Yes... there are days that I too think of leaving this blogland BUT I couldn't imagine life without it. I'm sooooo glad to hear that you will not be departing us. I couldn't bear another. I do home those 3 gals will pop on from time to time!
    ENJOY blogging!
    BTW... I can't wait to read your new book... and your first book... I'm sorry I have not had time to read many books since beginning blogging... but I do read your blog... so I should have some points for that!

  42. Vicki you made me cry, no wonder you are such an amazing writer. I'm speechless! Every word you wrote touched my heart and every word spoken so very true. It was easy promoting your book because it was such a delight to read and all my customers tell how they have read it from cover to cover many times even hubby has read it too! You bring such joy to our lives as I always say to my customers and friends "she's living the dream" thank you Vicki xxxx

  43. Well-stated, Vicki.

    I love your expression 'the spirit of the sport' -- to me it captures both the idea of really participating (vs. just posting) in the blogosphere *and* you being a true blue Aussie :) Really lovely.

    Cheers from a fan Down Under.

  44. Hi Vicki, I totally understand your feelings of loss. There was a blog that first got me interested in blogs and when it was closed I was really upset. I really enjoyed the author's writing and take on things and it was just a little fun five minutes of the day that wasn't there.
    I also agree it is time consuming but I always feel better when I've got my thoughts on to the virtual paper of my blog.
    Very happy you're going to continue and hopefully you can find some new lovely blogs too. Rxx

  45. Hi Vicky,
    I'm totally with you about this topic. Perhaps you knew the delightful All things bright and beautiful who decided to stop blogging last year. I felt a bit like an orphan.At that time, blogging regularly was new to me and it was really stimulating. It is still today but at times it can be a pressure, this is why i limited my posts to 3 a week and find enough inspiration and feel eager to write the next post.

    I think you're saying here what we all experience at times and about comments, i do feel bad and rude when i don't visit much and leave comment because i'm in a rush (for instance, i meant to comment on your series of posts about Venice and never did!)

    But you know even if you decide to blog less, we our readers will always wait for you !

  46. Oops! Hi Vicki - forgot to ask for your email address? Please send me it via Thanks so much, Judy xxx

  47. thanks for blogging!
    i so enjoy French Essence!
    i have it in my booksmark bar and have loved every post!

  48. As a newbie to blogging, I am amazed that so many find such interesting things to write about almost DAILY! I agonize over finding something to share pertinent to my subject (sewing) when I don't sew clothing or quilt! It truly makes me question myself when I have many readers but few comments and wonder if my niche is too small. After reading your post and comments, I can't wait to find those like-minded souls out there! Blogging is hard, but as you've shown us, it so can be worth the effort!


  49. Great post and timely for me. I think getting started must be the hard part- at least it is for me. I ask myself questions- what do I want to say, put out there- where is my voice. It seems my posts are all over the place and I need to find my direction home. You have brought up a good deal of food for thought- just in time for the weekend. Thank you Vicki.

  50. Dear French Essence,
    I feel you. It does feel like pressure sometimes but I feel exhilarated after I've posted and receiving comments makes my day.
    Thanks for a terrific post today. I think its one I will read again and again.


  51. thank you for this post! you touched on a lot of things that i sometimes struggle with, so it was great to see that i'm not alone. i'm going to bookmark this post so i can reread it whenever i feel frustrated.

  52. Hi Vicki,

    This is a very very well written piece that I think many of us bloggers can definitely resonate with. When I first started blogging, I didn't realize what a community it was either or how many people we can touch and meet. It's been such a great experience and you're absolutely right in how much time it does take. I consider ABT an institution when it comes to design blogs and to whom many of us look to for Anna's unerring style and fabulous posts. Villa Anna is super sweet. I would hate to see any blogs disappear. I think taking a break is definitely reasonable as everyone needs recharging time.

    Karen O.

  53. When I read this post I thought you were speaking directly to me, Vicki. I have only been blogging since last September. I have made so many wonderful friends. I didn't realize that there were all of these people out there that were interested in exactly what I love. I have also found a community that understands my projects and what I am trying to accomplish. That has been an incredible gift.

    That said, I also feel the pressure of finding just the right post topic. A lot of comments make me feel wonderful. Post that get few comments make me feel like a failure. I have promised myself that I will keep blogging until it doesn't work for me. I have to always make sure that I don't lose the balance in my life and remember what is most important.
    Thank you for that reminder!


  54. I couldn't have anything more or better to say you really hit the nail on the head. thanks for posting this question and thanks for inspiring us all to not quit at anything when the going gets tough.

  55. I've been blogging for almost two years and it has open so, so much for me. Today I say I never want to stop, but only because it feels right. When it stops feeling right or fun, when it takes away from writing or time with my family,when it becomes a drain on my energy, then I slow down or stop for a while. I feel no pressure whatsoever. This is for me, so it better work for me and not against.

  56. Whew!
    Now that's a discussion!
    You know some people work well under pressure. Pressure is not really such a bad thing.
    The blog is a fantastic way to exercise those writing, research, and image editing chops on a daily basis.
    Your Aussie friends have been doing it longer, so taking a little break seems natural.
    They're still there even if they are not blogging every day.
    And we all are here for you too, and look forward to your posts.
    Being compulsivley creative seems to along with our territory if you know what I mean.
    xo xo
    PS I love Lucy in your right hand margin!

  57. This is such a great conversation...I was so sad about ABT and in a way sighed because sometimes I'm so feeling like a very long break might be good for me. But I think you've really helped to voice something a lot of us are feeling....pressure. Something meant to be fun gets to be a bit of drudge work. I'm taking on your perspective of freedom to not have a perfect post and too not have to post everyday or even every other day if it is just too much. And hope that others will understand...I hope to continue this conversation, in one way or another, over at my blog next week!
    xx Trina
    Ps- so glad you are not going anywhere....

  58. You have articulated succinctly what I have oftentimes pondered to myself. I agree that it's time to take a break or pace yourself when it becomes a burden. We are only human and there are seasons in life when you just can't juggle it all. Hear, hear and I hope ABT and Villa Anna do not disappear permanently. They are both gems, as are you!

  59. What an interesting post. I'm still finding my way with blogging. I was actually considering just dropping off the blogoshere the other day as I was snowed under with work and kept getting distracted and feeling overwhelmed by some sense of obligation to write something on my own blog and to read/comment on some of the blogs I read. Then I thought how sad it would be to lose the connection with some of the blogs, and bloggers I read and comment on. It's insane, as I only started my blog as a 'nice' outlet for me to break away from my current 'academically focused' work and I allowed that to happen!

    Its a matter I think, of keeping it all in perspective. If I write if and when I feel like it, and read and comment when I can then I can still maintain a connection with the interesting blogs and bloggers.

    LOL- well, it seems I just used you as a sounding board. Sorry about that! have a lovely weekend.

  60. I feel you on the pressure, Vicki! There are days when I would sooner jump out the window that write another darn blog post---but the thing that keeps me going is knowing that the pals I've made in blogland are interested in what I have to say just as I am interested in them---and once you've joined a conversation that you love, it's nearly impossible to drop out!

    But if and when you need a little break, we'll be happy for you to take one and will smile upon your return :)

  61. I'm just finding time to visit my fav blogs and had to smile when I saw you already had 60 comments for this very insightful post! I found your book via ABT and practically fell off my chair when I saw you had put my blog on your list! I think deep down it is nice to be noticed and also rewarding to notice others. I am continually amazed by people's creativity and all the kind & encouraging comments blogger share - so much generating of positive chi energy. Hats off to those 3 bloggers for all they've shared - and hats off to you too! Looking forward to your second book.

  62. Yes, the total 'how to' of blogging can become pressure. But {IMHO} only if we let it.

    Only if we _have_ to do entries perfectly. And if we _have_ to rceive, many Comments. And if we _have_ to reply to all Comments, by commenting in their blogs. And if we _have_ to compose the perfect Comment, always. And if we never take a break.

    In other words, I think we can make our own decision, as to what's really, really important to us, individually. And thus take the pressure off... Before it snow-balls. IMHO.

    Just my thoughts... After more than one blogging "incarnation." :-) This is where I'm at, this time around. And I'm happy to say that it's my most relaxing blogging "incarnation" yet! :-)

    Aunt Amelia
    "It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence."
    ~Jacques Barzun

  63. Dear Isa,
    You mentioned 'Blogging Without Obligation.' Yes, I used to use
    Tartx's 'BWO' button also. {In another blogging "incarnation"} But found that it didn't address one of my real pressure points. That of feeing guilty, if I didn't return Comments, in blogs of all who commented in mine.

    And I was never able to phrase my own 'button,' to cover that point. So I gave up on the 'BWO' button. -sigh-

    Aunt Amelia
    "It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence."
    ~Jacques Barzun

  64. I blog because I enjoy it. If it became a chore I would stop. It is also a great way of charting your life. I often hope that when I am gone (I don't intend it to be anytime soon) my kids and grand kids can read it and still have a little bit of me.
    I have made many friends via my blog and am thankful for that.
    Finally, en route to finding things to post about I am inspired at every turn.

  65. Hello from Canada! I started my blog because I was so darn happy (I did the happy dance) that I could publish my own lifestyle mag for free! I adore blogging and do feel tired some days, but it is never because of my blog - it is life it self. I think most 'tired' bloggers would agree - life interupts with blogging darn it! Your post was exceptional and so meaninful. Thank You. LPxo

  66. Well I just had to join in this conversation - very apt in my case.
    I quit my first blog (even though it was going well) because I felt I had no sense of direction. I missed it immediately and was surprised and heartened by comments received. The only answer was to begin again, and now I know that I can't give it up. It is still a struggle, some days, but I think the challenge is good for me.
    So, it's not all bad!

  67. I come to you via Musings of a French Cottage. I am a new blogger and I am already thoroughly addicted. If I had any idea of how stimulated I would feel finding other women with such interesting lives I would have done it a long time ago. I have been able to tap into my own creative energy in a way that I never have before. I appreciate you perspective and look forward to reading more. Thanks.

  68. And it's wonderful Vicki that these girls inspired you to French Essence!!! I think you have discussed what many of us may feel at times...I think have a break when you need to...and try not to feel under pressure...Dzintra

  69. Vicki- You have no idea how much joy you bring with your blog... I, too have a hard time keeping up with mine but then I just take a few moments and lounge on my favorite blogs and I am completely inspired again. xo

  70. WOW!
    You're obviously saying here what so many experience at times about their blogs and the comments they
    I feel no pressure whatsoever but then my blog is all over the place with posts & difficult to categorize...
    I do feel bad though when I don't visit much and leave comments on favourite blogs - like yours - simply through lack of time...
    Weird how so many people feel the same way, n'est-ce pas..?!!!

  71. This is a question I struggle with all of the time. I originally started my blog to keep family informed of what was happening over here in France, but I wonder why I keep doing it really.

    Since I'm not one to get a lot of comments, I wonder if I'm of any interest at all (besides family). It's hard on the ego to flounder around without comments when there are so many heavy weights that get hundreds with one simple line. Especially when one tries to write with wit and spends a lot of time on polishing.

    But at the same time, quitting blogging might mean stopping up a valuable resource. I received one illustration gig through the blog (blog friend of a friend of a friend sort of thing). So I'm stumped. I keep wondering if there is something that I should be doing (commenting more? signing up for more networks? I just don't know)

    I suppose some people have a knack for popularity and that I'll always be my own kooky self.

    Not that that is a bad thing.

    Hello? Have I hijacked your web post? Sorry.

  72. Oh hurray- Vicki! So very well written and said. Thank you for discussing this. There is a lot of (self-imposed) pressure with blogging, and when I feel it, I try to remind myself of why I started blogging in the first place (to be able to have my own creative outlet!) And I will certainly be understanding if the post get to be few and far between from time to time (they certainly have been on my end as of late due to moving into a new place!) xo

  73. I just started blogging a few weeks ago and am already wondering.....anybody out there? But in your case, there is no question, you must blog so we can all pretend we live in France in such utter style. Am trying to find your book here in Canada and to add to my website. Can't wait to find it.

  74. So well said. I think we are all pretty busy these days, and keeping up the daily activities involved in maintaining a blog can be pressure. I think as long as I enjoy it I'll keep it up, and I hope that means those writing the blogs I love to read are doing the same.

  75. This post certainly inspired a lot of comments - it is interesting to think about why we do this blog thing. We all like to think that others find us interesting and comments are some sort of validation. I thought about the blog thing for months before I started. I wondered what would I have to say and who would care. Just before I took the leap, I listened to a talk by a successful fabric designer and blogger whose advise was simply: be authentic. This has been my guide. I love the blog format and simply take a break when I run out of steam.
    Did you happen to read Yarnstorm in late 2008 when she wrote a post about comments and their affect on blogging. Then Yarnstorm decided to turn off her comments for a week because she wasn't writing for the comments - it provoked all sorts of other comments when the comments were turned back on - fascinating reading.

  76. The best defense and explanation for blogging I have read to date ......

  77. I have been blogging for almost 2 years now and I go through phases when I want to give it up. I constantly question the amount of time it takes to maintain a blog (and for me that is where the stress comes in), but somehow I keep going and getting inspirations that I have to share!!!!!
    BTW...Great post and great comments.

  78. My gawd, this was eloquently written. Kudos!

    Joy & Janet

  79. Hello Vicki,
    I've been trying to catch up on my post reading from my small hiatus and I stumbled upon this post. Thank you for such a clear and heartfelt take on the whole thing! It's exactly what I needed today :) YOu are such a wonderful blog friend and clearly a beautiful soul. Have a great day :)

  80. Yes. What a great post. I have been thinking about different aspects of blogging, and this really made me see blogging in a way I hadn't thought about it before.

  81. www.whataretheywearingnow.blogspot.com17 June 2009 at 12:19

    Thank you for your thoughts. I to have recently started a blog called It was also inspired after reading about the absolutelybeautiful things blog by Anna Spiro.
    I just love posting my thoughts on fashion. Just wish I could get more comments so I know if anyone is enjoying it. I just love your comments on the French woman's style.

  82. I think we get hooked on blogging, because not only is it fun to read and discover new things at other blogs, but quiet frankly it's also nice to share your ideas and inspirations with those who share your interests.

    I just wish more people would comment though. Sometimes it's rather quiet in blogland :(

  83. Hi Vicki, I know this is an old post but this is my first visit and the title caught my eye.
    I have been reading 'design' blogs for over two years now. Some I visit every day and some not so often but it was only recently that I felt compelled to start my own.
    Already I am beginning to wonder what I have started. It is time consuming, it is challenging and there is a certain amount of pressure to keep up standards. But I absolutely love it!
    Being new to all this I am trying to post most days in case those few readers I already have abandon me but I shouldn't because I know from my own reading habits that they will come back.
    As I will come back to you.
    Now I feel inspired to create a new post............

  84. Vicki, this was a very interesting post. As a new blogger, I've been feeling very discouraged. It's harder than I expected it to be and not as rewarding as I had hoped. I'm going to keep plugging away and try not to worry about whether anybody reads it. I'll tell myself that I'm just doing it for my own entertainment, and try not to worry about not having many followers or comments. Thank you for the encouraging words for all of us who are trying to do the blgging thing!

  85. thank you for that wonderful piece. I know it was written some time ago, but it will always be timely for the blogging world.

  86. Pretty nice place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

    Kate Benedict

  87. You have brought inspiration to my world. Thank you!!!


Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv