Monday, 23 February 2009

Not quite 'Slumdog Millionaire'

because French Essence hasn't won best picture, best director, best screenplay, best music, best actress or even best supporting actress but she is the happiest of happy recipients for some other equally exciting awards. 

For my acceptance I would like to be looking as divine as Marion Cotillard 

as I thank the following people:

La Belette Rouge for the 'fabulous award'. 

Anyone who follows La Bellette knows that she is a truly fabulous writer who so generously makes us feel part of her world - the highs, the lows and the everything in-between. I look forward to reading her dry wit and self deprecating humour as often as she can write it. Thank you LA Belle.

Callie Grayson and Porchlight Interiors for the 'Share the Love' award.

The gorgeous Callie from Chicago and the gals from Porchlight Interiors in Brisbane showcase some of the blog world's best eye candy. There is always something fresh and new to inspire with these girls - so a million thanks.

J... de Santa Fe for the 'Superior Scribbler Award'.

Judith's extraordinary art work is a feast for the eyes - thank you for the exquisite postings that never cease to delight me.

A Thousand Clapping Hands for the 'Excessively Diverting Blog Award'.

Catherine's way with words and beautiful photographs are some that I look forward to every day. Her blog is a gentle, elegant and relaxing place to visit. Many thank you's Catherine. 

As you know I am obliged to pass on these awards and in order to do that I would like to slip into something a little more comfortable and look like an award winner should,

As great scribblers, generous people and highly entertaining and truly fabulous boggers I offer you all of the above.

Unlike Phillipe Petit from 'Man on Wire' 

please don't turn them upside down and balance them on your noses but feel free to link them, give them and most of all enjoy them as you want. 

I apologize to the non blogsters for this awards hype and promise French business as usual will follow, xv.

images from The Huffington Post (how i love this site)


  1. What a great award post!

    Congrats on all the awards you received....and many thanks!

  2. This must be a terrible misunderstanding!
    You definately won Oscar!
    Let's have an investigation!

  3. Thank you, thank you!

    And congratulations--your honors are well-deserved.

  4. You crack me up Vicki! Congrats on the much-deserved blog love!

    And how glam and gorgeous were this year's oscars? I'm still drooling over all the gowns! Who was your fave? I loved Natalie Portman and Jennifer Aniston the most, I think...

  5. Thank You so very much for the mention my blog:
    lamaison fou blog

    French Essence is a favorite of mine & I truly appreciate the mention, as the world of blogging is new to me!
    Thank You,
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  6. I feel like Kate Winslet reading your lovely words!! Thank you for that gorgeous shout out.
    Congrats to you on your well deserved awards.

  7. Vicki, as always you’re beautiful and you are looking amazing in Marion’s lovely dress! I love your quick dress change. Ms Penelope Cruz was so sweet, her speech so endearing! Overall, what a glamorous Oscar evening! Congratulations to all your awards and thank you!!! ;o)

    ~Miss Kris~

  8. Wow Vicki, thank you so much!!!
    You are a true inspiration to us all...For this little country girl it is truly a blessing to be part of the wonderful world of blog ....Love C xx

  9. Vicki! I am beside myself with such an embarrassment of award riches! I am working on my speeches and having my dresses fitted this very moment (I intend to have one for each, complete with jewels from Harry Winston :-).

    Merci, merci!! And congrats to you - your beautiful blog deserves awards!

  10. Congratulations on your awards!!
    And didn't Marion look divine?!!

  11. Great Oscar recap and congrats on the awards!

  12. Vicki you are a crack up -- your gown choices are lovely!

    Congratulations on your well deserved recognition and awards! You know how much I adore your blog and I'm really touched that you visit mine and like it enough to visit regularly and to bestow all of these awards on me! I'm sorry to say that I didn't come prepared and must accept these in my flannel pj bottoms and tank top. Hee.

    Enjoy yourself wherever you are in the world on this fine day.
    xo Isa

  13. Girl.....Look at all those awards!!!! You go girl!!!!

  14. You know the Oscars are rigged, whereas those awards are the REAL thing!

  15. You know the Oscars are rigged, whereas those awards are the REAL thing!

  16. These are some great shots!
    Congradulations on your awards too!! I'm not suprised at all.
    Man on Wire was an amazing movie. Loved that story.

  17. Great post! You win in every category!

  18. Slumdog Millionaire is really a great movie, i'm happy for the Oscar !

  19. Vicki thank you so much for my award! I'm so chuffed, especially coming from you, who leaves me completely in awe!

  20. Congratulations on your awards~ very deserving. Love the gowns this year. I would definately vote for FRENCH ESSENSE.

  21. I just mentioned to my daughter yesterday that my favorite at the Oscars was the lovely Marion Cotillard!

  22. Thank you so much for the award!! I thought the Oscars fashion was pretty good this year. Sadly I don't have sky1 so I didn't get to see the ceremony proper but had the radio on overnight and drifted in and out of who won what!
    I have taken the next day off before now and stayed up all night with friends in our PJs with champagne and nibbles

  23. How lovely dear Vicki to be included in your stellar cast list! I accept these Awards with great humility & would like to take this opportunity to thank the French Essence Academy & of course my partner-in-crime MOTH. Without him & his many renovating stumbles, fumbles & disasters with power tools, my success would not have been possible!! Merci, merci!
    Millie ^_^


Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv