Tuesday, 18 November 2008

My helpers,

This is Nellie

and this is Charlie, my two farm girls. 

Nellie is very, very, old so she is allowed to bask in the sun. Charlie, on the other hand is two and a half so she is a little friskier. Together, the two of them are very sweet and they look after one other and follow each other everywhere. I think having Charlie around has prolonged Nellie's life by years - a younger playmate and all that. 

Today was another gorgeous day in Provence and we picked even more olives than yesterday, so the bath and the bubbles still beckon. Hard work combined with good progress makes me feel very content tonight. 

 I don't have my own olive oil label just yet (but would love to one day) and I sell the fruit to a mill nearby, called CastelaS. If you would like to try this oil (knowing that kilos and kilos of my olives have been blended to produce this fine drop) it is available in the States at most Williams Sonoma outlets and also at Zabars in New York. 

I think it is the most delicious olive oil of all -  how can I not say that, this oil tastes like nectar to me. 
I am extravagant with my olive oil because I am lucky enough to have copious quantities to use, but the best way to enjoy this oil is with a crusty loaf of bread and lots of dipping. 
Sheer bliss.


  1. Hi Vicki,
    I love the photos of your dogs and hearing of their sweet friendship. I have two Siberian Huskies with the same sort of relationship and age difference. I know in my heart that my Osiris has definitely given more years to Jazzy who is almost 13 now, and still so full of life.

    I'm so happy to have met you and love reading about your world - so much of it speaks to me. Olive trees are very near and dear to me. The street I live off of was originally called Olive Street, and is lined with ancient Olive Trees. I have a few in my yard and in my heart of hearts long for an orchard - you are so blessed to be where you are - an orchard in the south of France... truly a dream come true!

    I have in my pantry right now, a bottle of CastelaS virgin olive oil - Many delicious slabs of crusty bread have been dipped into shallow bowls of this golden treat and now knowing where it comes from makes it even more special. I love things with a history, and I feel lucky indeed to have crossed paths with you.

    It's a great life!

  2. I'm in love with your dogs! they're so beautiful. What a great, 'happy' post!

  3. Hi Vicki,

    Aren't your dogs darling!! I am very much a dog person. In fact, my Josie passed away in July and I still cannot stop thinking of her. No more pets for me for awhile. I like to wait a year before I buy another one.
    I will definately purchase some of your olive oil from Williams and Sonoma's website. It's pure heaven when you can dip crusty bread into a great olive oil.
    Just the thought of it makes me hungary.


  4. Hi Vicki! That's the Olive oil we use!!! How funny, I'm Argentinian & we take our Olive oil very seriously, so only the best! Anyway, your little farm helpers are too cute, I'm afraid my little assistant Daisy is much too stuck up for any kind of work, she just lays around all day on my pretty pillows, like she is Cleopatra or something (what a life!. Well, I work hard if you need recruits to help out with the harvest, Provence looks just beautiful! Much luck with the crop!

  5. Keep up the good work Vicki - sound as if you are flying through the harvest. Loved the pics of your 2 farm girls, a farm's not complete without a dog or 5!
    Millie ^_^

  6. love your pups!
    i am so excited to get some CastelaS olive oil now! I am off to the west coast to visit my family. while the men are out playing on the lake us women will be cooking and we always have olive oil and bread for snacking on. perfect timing.

  7. A Williams Sonoma just opened down the street from my home. I will definitely pick up a few bottles of olive oil and think of your lovely blog when I use it!


  8. Hi Vicki, your dogs look so sweet and having seen your home from your book, I think they fit just perfectly. Thanks for the tip on the olive oil. I will def have to pick some up next time I am near a Williams Sonoma....can't wait! It sounds divine!
    xx Trina

  9. Hi Vicki,

    TAG! You're it! Details on my blog!


    P.S. Love the dogs and can't wait to try the olive oil! I'm a picky olive oil consumer!

  10. Crusty loaf and fabulous quality olive oil...my mouth waters at the thought!

  11. Love your faithful helpers providing you unconditional love!
    Note to self, try that olive oil!
    Thanks for your kind comment -

  12. Your puppies are just gorgeous! I dream of having one of my own again one day ... it is so lovely to have such loyal companions trotting along beside you!

    What a lovely blog Vicki - am going to send the link to my sister Lucy who is a true lover of all things French ... she will love it just as much as I do xx

  13. I am about to line my very short driveway with olive trees, possibly four maybe five trees not quiet the same, so I will admire my olives and think of you and have a touch of provence in Aussie x

  14. Hi Vicki,
    You are happily on my blog roll! What a mess this has been to recreate!

  15. I can see what you are saying.. I suppose it be different to be listening to a cd by Laura Bush :) Do you have any other French artists or albums that you recommend? I'm headed on a road trip and I just love listening to French music!

    xx Trina

  16. Hello Vicki -
    I can relate to the soreness - Here I sit with my broken shoulder! But I'm sure that anything as ancient as olive oil must have healing powers! I use a ton of it - always have olive oils from different regions on hand. It is so like wine in its taste variations. Happy to be able to visit with you again!

  17. Vicki, it is so great to see more photos from your slice of life in Provence. Your dogs are adorable and I am so happy to hear that the weather is staying warm for you as you harvest. Hope to continue seeing more pictures of your lovely property and life in Provence.

  18. I loved seeing your dogs- they are adorable! And very wise looking might I add...

    I will look out for your olive oil at William Sonoma. I love good oil and also love giving it as gifts...

  19. Harvest must be an incredible time...there is nothing better than bread and great olive oil, can't wait to try yours!

  20. AWWWWWWW - the older one seems so contented! What a great life these French dogs must have.
    My husband always says he wants to come back as one of our dogs! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

  21. Oh my goodness, your pups are so sweet! I'm thrilled that CastelaS is available in the States (will certainly give it a try!,) and I completely agree that the best way to enjoy olive oil is with crusty bread!

  22. Vicki - thanks for the tip about Castelas. I didn't know it was available at WS. That is the oil I picked as my favorite at the oil tasting bar at the little shop in St. Remy. It has such a delicate flavor.


  23. Oh, and how wonderful to know that your olives are used to make this great oil!


  24. Can we get it here in the UK? I am a sucker for a good olive oil for bread dipping.

  25. Hi Vicky
    I’m sure your oil is absolutely priceless test wise . because it ‘s made with passion love and know how . I proud of you , crossing the glob to creat gold out of our soil . bravo ! ! chapeau ! comme on dit !


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