Friday, 10 October 2008


For the last few days I have been working in the gorgeous City of Light, actually she decided to rain for most of my visit - but who cares about rain when you are in Paris. I cannot believe this beautiful and enchanting city is only two and a half hours by train (actually not even that) from Avignon and much the same time distance from London. I still pinch myself most days when I think about all the amazing things to do and see on my European doorstep. 

Somehow getting up at the crack of dawn matters less when you are driving to the station en route for Paris - I don't ever remember being so excited about early morning starts before. I arrived in Paris to grey and heavy skies but as I said, it didn't matter in the least, and was met at the station by my dear friend Carla, my partner on a future book project for Penguin. She lives on the Right bank in the 4th arrondissement, a quartier known as the Marais, rich in history and culture with a multitude of cafes, bars, boutiques and museums. 

The streets of the Marais

To take a break from our long hours at her computer we wandered the streets, ate a baguette or two and caught up on our girl chat as we soaked in the scene. The beauty, the incredible elegance and the glamour of this city never ever ceases to enthrall me. 

Place des Voges

I love the contrasts that define the Parisian streetscape. Wandering along slightly shabby-chic streets in one moment to find only minutes later, after turning a corner, a building that almost breaks your heart with it's architectural perfection.

More Marais

The French are masterful when it comes to eclectic pairings, and nowhere is it more evident than in the parks and gardens of Paris. The Parisians love outdoor sculpture - the bigger, the bolder and the wackier the better. The Palais Royal, one of my 'can't resist' destinations, has the fantastic Daniel Buren candy striped instillation, although for some reason it was boarded up on Wednesday. Around the circumference was a solid scaffolding but every few metres, at varying heights, a peep hole of red perspex had been inserted - for peeping! 

I think the French have a wonderful attitude to art - they view the appreciation of and the access to art as a necessary staple in their cultural diet, and something that should be available to every person. In October, for one night, Paris celebrates 'Nuits Blanches' which is an annual all night festival where museums open their doors to the public for free. 

The Palais Royale

Further inside the Palais Royale we passed the 'silver fountain' and walked amongst the pleached limes where an exhibition of 'iron warriors' had been installed. The colour of the turning autumn leaves and the 'rust' markings on the sculptures seemed to me to be in perfect harmony. Carla and I stopped and sat on the little green garden chairs placed around the basin-style fountain at the further most end of the Palais Royale, stretched out our legs in 'Parisian' fashion and sighed in agreement at what we felt to be the perfect rest stop.

'Iron warriors'

Happy weekend.


  1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments! I'm so glad you enjoyed my posts! I am already a regular on your site of which I am a HUGE fan! So nice to meet you & thank you again!!!
    ~Paris Atelier~

  2. I love YOUR Paris !! Ha ve a wonderful week end there !

  3. That post inspires me to continue studying my French verbs all weekend. I adore Paris and I adore the rain and the combination is such a lovely thought...
    Not to mention the combination of you and the amazing Carla:) It would be nice to think some of the girl chat involved plans for another beautiful book. xx

  4. Je découvre votre blog, il est très agréable à visiter et vos photos de paris sont superbes !
    Merci pour le partage.


  5. Oh...I LOVE Paris. I lived there while going to school for 6 months. I was broke...but adored it. I lived in an apartment in the 17th looked much like the one you showed with the shutters.

    Thanks for the memories!

  6. beautiful. thank you for bringing back memory of paris of me again. sigh, i want to visit again.

  7. I just love Paris and your photos did her proud.
    I love the way the Palais Royale always has interesting sculptor .

  8. Oh - you do torture us poor souls from the wasteland of Texas! Have fun while you are there, you lucky girl! and thanks for the tour.

  9. It's hard to believe I was only there a few weeks ago, now with work and family it feels like a year ago, but I always have the memories.

  10. Vicki, one of the reasons I pushed so hard to have my week in Paris last year was due to love affair I have with your book and your story telling.

    Paris stole my heart. As terrible as this sounds I almost wished I was there on my own so I could inhale it all at my own pace. At the same time I am ever so grateful my husband and especially children were blessed to experience such romantic culture and beauty too.

    I will go back someday, and stay longer but until then I thank you deeply for allowing me to dream through your captivating words and images.

    Anna :)

  11. Vicki,
    Thank you for the stunning photos of Paris! I miss that city enough as it is, why do I torture myself even more? I am glad you are having such a delightful time. Excited to hear more about the upcoming book!

  12. Vicki, thanks to your very beautiful photos & descriptions you have just allowed me to escape a very busy day & float off to Paris for a few moments! Merci, merci!
    Millie ^_^

  13. Vicki- thanks for sharing these lovely pictures. Even if only for a few minutes it was a nice little vacation for me! Have a wonderful week!

  14. The Chez Pierro photo would make a grat painting! LOVE that photo! Oh how I wish I were in Paris!

  15. These photos are so incredibly lovely. I've never had the joy of visiting Paris, and I loved seeing these small snippets of the city through your eyes. I hope one day that I will get to see it with my own. -sigh-

  16. What a lucky woman you are. I am turning green with envy.

    Have a lovely weekend. xx

  17. Vicki, you write so beautifully about Paris. I have had to postpone my trip to the gorgeous city until next year (had planned to go in September) - reading your posts about the stunning city is the next best thing xx

  18. Paris is wonderful in so many ways. I cannot wait to go back again and see everything all over again! The doors were so beautiful. The bridges, churches,and ironwork as well. Everything seemed to have a personality of it's own. The incredible architecture is unlike anything I had seen before. Next time I will see more of the countryside.

  19. So incredibly beautiful... sigh... maybe someday I will go there. You are so fortunate to be able to experience this place. Your photos are so enchanting.

  20. My favorite city in the world, next to San Francisco! Cheers!
    Happy Holidays!


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