Friday, 17 October 2008

Have fun out and about this weekend.


  1. What a spectacular photo! I enjoyed your blog and I will be back.

  2. Interesting! Is that a "paneau"? Is it blocking peoples windows? Just curious... I love this shot!
    I added you to my Fab Faves because that's just what you are! :)
    Bon Week-end

  3. Oh! Sometimes it HURTS to look at your beautiful posts! It makes my heart ache to not be in France! I miss it so!
    :( Your photography is stunning & the way you see everyday things that are really out of the ordinary, facinating! BTW I am truly enjoying the book!

  4. Have a great weekend with lots of fun!
    Love your blog

  5. ahh, the beautiful orange of the building and the golden yellow of the tree is amazing, then the large image! ah, very nice!!
    weekend was fabulous, went to the Autumn French Market yesterday at Lycee Francaise Chicago and purchased some fabulous items for my home, plus wine tasting and cheese! mmmmm.
    hope you enjoyed you weekend!

    Thanks for visiting my blog:)

  6. I love that picture! I am so jealous that you get to live on an Olive farm, how cool!!

    Thank you for the comment also, I never thought to put the ribbon that way, I'm going to pin it and check it out. Thanks!!

  7. Vicki, this is a stunning photograph. Breathtaking. Of course, all your photos are delicious!
    Bon weekend! Marigail


Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv