Sunday, 1 January 2012

merry christmas from french essence...

As 2011 races towards the finish line and I reflect on the year that has almost been... I remember wishful thinking last year for contentment. I wanted to appreciate what was in front of me, around me and beside me. I wanted to work hard but strive for less. I wanted to breathe, to pause for a moment and to enjoy what I have... not what could or might come my way.  I think I have.

This coming year I am thinking that I want to 'be in the moment'. That means that I want to enjoy what I am doing when I am doing it. I want to give my full attention to the task at hand... it is so easy to loose focus, to be anywhere but in that particular moment. I don't want to be reading my emails when I am writing, checking my phone when I am talking to a friend or thinking about business when it's time for pleasure. It is easier said than done, like all resolutions, but I'm going to try.

2011 has been my favourite year at French Essence. We are old friends now, familiar souls together with a love of France and all things French. Blogging is such a 'clunky' word for what I consider to be meaningful time spent together... it might be virtual, but it is real. Important friendships have been made and I hope they will continue to thrive in the coming year... 

I have come to understand that a blog is only enduring and successful because of its readers. It doesn't matter how clever, how pretty, how smart or how often... a blog lives and breathes for its readers. You are the reason I continue to write... How can there be so much to say about so little? I ask myself this over and over, yet I read a comment or an email from you and it sparks an idea. Your comments and emails bring life, creativity and reason to French Essence... Thank you one million times and more... Next year, after a short break, I will be back with French Essence but for now I am going to enjoy... no indulge in... this Christmas moment... I wish you all a Joyeux Noël and I hope with all my heart that all your wishes and dreams come true...

I leave you with some links to your favourite posts of mine this year... in case you feel like a little French Essence in my absence...

Merry Christmas from my home to yours... See you in 2012... much love, Vicki xv

my daily click HERE
follow me on twitter HERE
find me on facebook HERE
my colour boards on pinterest HERE

images - vicki archer


  1. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*o*
    ****o***♥**o***o***♥ *

    Joyeux Noël et heureuse année 2012 à toi et tous les tiens!

  2. Beautifully written Vicki. I think it is your followers who should be thanking you for the pleasure French Essence has brought us.

    May your Christmas be everything you wish it to be.

    Season's greetings from Australia.

  3. Merry Christmas from Poland!

  4. Magnifiques!
    I love every post you write.
    I whish to you and all your family a Merry Christmas and an Happy new year.
    Bisous from Italy, Babi

  5. Vicki, I love this post! I wish you and your beautiful family a blessed and fabulous Christmas filled with love, laughter, friends, and good food. And a marvelous New Year, in which all your dreams come true!

  6. Magically beautiful and beautiful said! Thank you. Happy Holidays to all from Carmel-by-the-Sea, California.

  7. A very happy christmas to you Vicki, and to your family. Thank you for all the beauty you have brought us during the year - an inspiration!

  8. I've just recently started reading your blog and now it's one of the first I go to every day. You take me back to my two short weeks in Paris last year and rekindle that feeling. We should be thanking you - your photography is beautiful, your words even better.

    Joyeux noel!!!

  9. Joyeux Noel to you and your family. As a new follower I look forward to working my way through your list of favourite posts.

  10. Dear Vicki, as usual you have sprinkled fairy
    dust on me.
    I intend to LIVE in the moment for the New year.
    Oh Please- now if I can focus on the scale and exercise. Wishing you Love and Health
    my Darling Vicki. Be well and Happy


  11. Vicki dear ... .

    Know that your thoughtful words and beautiful images are a treasured part of my life and my daily breakfast tray ! First thing every morning: a French Press of black coffee - fresh fruit - warm buttered croissant (or pannetone) and a side of French Essence.

    Many thanks for always being there .. . and all good wishes to you & your family from your friend in snowy Santa Fe -


  12. Thank you for your elegant "blog" it is a joy for an Irish lass living in the US, missing my sister in Paris! I truly, truly love France and I devour everything I can get my hands on. Enjoy being in the moment, see you in 2012

  13. Vicki-
    These images are beautiful, as is this post.
    Thank you for the joy you bring to us through your blog! You are one of the most talented and thoughtful people I have met in our virtual world.
    Thank you for your friendship and have a Happy 2012!

  14. Dear Vicki,

    Well, what a really, really lovely post....I read it just now, having told myself to SLOW DOWN and take half an hour "off" I try to shut down this old house, corral the dogs, settle plants and the garden, attend to the dogsitters, and fling clothes into suitcases. Not to mention presents for the entire French family, the 82 year-old Nanny (her name really IS "Madame Paris"), etcetera. Oh.....don't forget trying to get my danged nephew (16 years old, and he's 2 Kewl to use something so Neanderthal as email)) to confirm that he actually GOT the Seattle-to-Cincinatti plane ticket I bought for him. All in all.....too hectic for, your post was a good reminder to just stop, breathe a bit, and remember to enjoy the holidays.

    We leave for twelve days in about 3 hours.

    Speaking of moving so fast that you trip over your own feet?.....

    I frantically finished four large "Christmas" commissions two days them all matted by the framers and delivered to the clients on the next day. It was just yesterday afternoon that I horrifiedly realized that the portrait I'd done of my remarkably lovely French sister-in-law (a present for Herve's brother, her husband) was G-O-N-E.

    Nowhere to be found....and this joint isn't that big. Large, matted paintings just don't go a-missing.......

    turns out (and Herve figured this one out while I dissolved into unproductive, hissy-fit hysterics) that I'd wrapped it up with the two portraits of someone's dogs that a husband had commissioned as a present for his wife. I telephoned the man, thinking "I am going to sound just plain-out crazy....". Fortunately, the couple HADN'T yet gotten on the plane for their Christmas travels.The husband (another doctor who works with Herve) unwrapped his wife's presents, found my portrait, and dropped it off on their way to the airport last night.

    Rolling his eyes, he said "Well, this is a good thing...I wonder what Sarah would have said when she discovered that I'd commissioned a portrait of some beautiful 'other'-woman for her christmas present...."

    Well...thanks again for your good christmas post....and a Merry christmas to you and your family....


    david terry

  15. As a very recent member of the blogging world, I echo your sentiments. This morning I had no intention of writing, but I was pulled to the computer to mark the 10th anniversary of my mother's passing. Where did that spring from? I, too, feel blogging is a lovely way of communicating and sharing thoughts, hopes and desires. My hope is for a wonderful and peaceful 2012 for all of us. My best, Lisa

  16. Wonderful aspirations - I have been thinking about the same!! Wishing you and your family the most magical of holidays. See you in the new year!!

  17. All I can say is "mercy beaucoup" Vicki - you have shared so much valuable and fun info. all year, much of which has help me with all my travel. Of course you've also done it in a beautiful way with your elegant prose and gorgeous images, plus always a sense of pleasure which makes each and every post feel personal for the reader. Loved it all, looking forward to next year with you!

    Happiest of Christmas and New Year celebrations to you and your family.


  18. Such a wonderful goal to strive for in 2012- I think we would all be happier if we could just stay focused and present feel joy in what's happening now. Thanks so much for so many wonderful posts that have made me smile, made me think, and have started my day with beauty! I appreciate the effort you put into it, and look for to more wonderful reading next year. Merry Christmas!

  19. Merry Merry Christmas dear Vicki. Enjoy your time with your sweet family. Thank you for taking the time to blog and fill our hearts with all things French. I hope your New Years is shiny and bright! See you next year!

  20. Happy Christmas, Vicki. And the The Best of the New Year as well.

  21. LURVE yr decorations!!!
    Bonne holiday

  22. Vicki, I too have just recently started reading your blog and it is now my favorite. I love your photos, your imaginative descriptions and the feeling it evokes, and of course, Paris. I've always wanted to go. One day!! Wishing you and your familya very Merry Christmas! Your resolution for the New Year is fantastic and inspiring and I will strive for the same!! Have a magical holiday! .....From Vancouver, Canada

  23. I am happy I found your blog as soon when I launched mine at the beginning of the year. It is a favorite on my blogroll in the morning. Thank you for your creativity, and your talent. As a French woman, I enjoy rediscovering my homeland through your eyes. Thank you, too, for the comments you have left now and then when I posted some of my stories, and for the lovely gift you sent me when I won the giveaway a few days ago. Joyeux Noël, Vicki. I will be looking forward to reading you again in 2012. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  24. Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season Vicki!
    Your post today is a thoughtful reminder for all of us to slow down and capture the moment. "French Essence" is always a bright spot in the day and I look forward to your ideas and commentary in 2012.

    Laura in Santa Fe

  25. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!
    Thank you for your wonderful blog Vicki and I look forward to 2012!!
    (that's my "French" signature for you- two kisses on each check as is the lovely French custom!!)

  26. Joyeux Noel, Vicki. I will look forward to your return in 2012 with more insightful musings. Wishing you the most wonderful holiday season ever with your loved ones & friends. Take time to enjoy every moment, but know what? I thought you already did. Sending love...

  27. Thank you for sharing these lovely words and once again inspiration with us. Blessings to you and your family for a truly special NOEL. Hugs and XX Colette ~ Afrique du Sud

  28. Merry Christmas Vicki, enjoy your break and your family! Thank you for the most delightful year of inspiration ~
    And all of the best to you in 2012,
    p.s. the tree and decor are FABULOUS!

  29. Vicki, I am sending you my most heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas with your family all around you. There is nothing better.

    I can't thank you enough for all of the inspiration you have given me, have given all of us this past year. I like to think of it as a chain that keeps reaching out and on...

    Hoping perhaps we can cross the Alpilles in the year ahead?
    All my best from Arles,

    PS. I bought Ruinart for Noel--undoubtedly under your influence!

  30. Merry Christmas, Vicki. Enjoy all this beauty you've created (and so generously shared with us.) Wishing you the best in 2012 and always.
    Catherine xx

  31. Dear Vicki,
    I've been following your blog daily for about the past 2 years (and have read every single post). I've always been too shy to comment, but I just want to wish you a very happy Christmas and new year! Thank you for all the great posts and hard work!


  32. Vicki,

    You are so right, the readers keep us going and there is a valid friendship that exists between blog writers and readers. I so enjoy your posts and have been inspired and even learned a lot from your writing.

    Have a Happy Christmas and I will look forward to "catching up" in 2012.


  33. Cher Vicki,
    J'aime bien votre blog. Merci!! Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee! Nancie

  34. Merry Christmas Vicki, and thank you for a beautiful and inspiring blog. After my birthday a few months ago I now have French Essence next to My French Life on my bookshelf. I adore getting lost in France when I need a break.

  35. What more can I add - the comments above have said it so eloquently. I am also new to your blog, and think you have captured the art of blogging - you somehow connect your readers to the little things which make life so special, and do it with such grace, elegance and charm. Thank you for your French Essence and more importantly your Life Essence.

  36. I love how you put things Vicki, it's what I think about blogging (wish there was a better name). It's been great getting to know you, so enjoy coming by.

    Wishing you a really Merry Christmas with your family.
    xoxo DJ

  37. Hope you have a very happy christmas and thank you for your lovely blog.

  38. Have the most wonderful Christmas with your family and friends Vicki! I will try not to come home with any broken bones, sprains, or other horse-related injuries (this will be interesting). Hope that you have very a festive and perfect week and so happy to hear you are going to relax (you have been working hard this year). You have added much to my bogging pleasure this year. Much love and happy holidays to all of you. Have fun! XOXO

  39. Merry Christmas Vicki, thanks for all your beautiful photos and stories x

  40. Merry Christmas Vicki. Thank you for the joy your gorgeous blog brings to each day.

    May all your wishes and dreams come true too.

  41. I have loved seeing French Essence go from strength to strength this year Vicki. You seemed to have taken yourself off for a mini-meeting early in the year, decided on a renewed direction & plan & have executed it just perfectly. So I can hardly wait to see what you have up your very chic sleeve for next year.

    Thank you for your lovely bloggie friendship for another year, I don't tell you enough how much I value it, so your words of wisdom in this post have jolted me. So thank you again for all the words of fun & support you leave for us at The Hedge. MOTH will often say to me these days, 'What's Vicki's post about today?', so that's about the biggest compliment you can ever receive. Have a fabulous family Christmas with all your darlings & I hope Mr.FF takes those shades off long enough to see what magical surroundings you have created for him this Festive Season. See you in 2012.
    Love to you all from Millie & MOTH xx

  42. Merry merry Christmas Vicki! I hope yours is a magical one and I admire your resolutions for the coming year, to be present fully in the moment is such a great things to aspire to and I think in light of all that has come to pass in my life this past year that it would be a good resolution for me too!

    xoxo Mary Jo

  43. Happy Christmas Vicki, much happiness and joy this holiday season.

    Thanks for the amazing blog!

    Carolyn C.

  44. Merry Christmas to you Vicki, your blog is a wonderful gift that keeps on giving, and I am so happy to count you as a blogging friend.
    Wishing you and your family a joyous and healthy holiday season and a magical 2012!!
    Merry Christmas!

  45. The feathered mask is so passionate and romantic ~ what a gorgeous touch. Being in the present moment is a treasure we can all bless ourselves with. Thank you for adding countless beautiful moments to my days, dear Vicki... enjoy your holidays with your darling ones. See you when you're ready. Love and hugs.

  46. Beautiful .. and you're right, it is a clunky word!
    Beautiful Christmasy photos ... I love the mask!

    Merry Christmas!

  47. Merci mille fois ma chère V,
    It's perfect and joins my cherished collection of la tours. Parfait!

  48. Have a very happy Christmas, Vicki and as ever thank you for your wonderful inspiration !
    And yes you're right there's nothing like being in the moment :-)
    Happy holidays to you and yours filled with laughter and bubbly !

  49. HERE HERE! Oh Vicki, I so agree with your about Blogland, blogging and the FRIENDS behind all the words and images. The last four years of blogging for me has literally changed my life. With two dormant dreams (to use my art to some capacity and to WRITE), blogging is bringing out little by little, these dreams. But it is not just because of the practice and motivation, but I realize now, that it is because of THE PEOPLE who read, comment, send gifts, MAKE AN EFFORT to MEET with are so right. I wish you much continued success in your writing and publishing, for you bring us much charm and grace. My next book store purchase will be your book, FRENCH ESSENCE for I can never have enough French décor books.

    Thank you for making me one of your DAILY CLICKS!!! I am honored! BE WELL et JOYEUX NOËL! Anita

  50. Beautiful photography! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! I'll look forward to your daily posts in 2012.

  51. Thank you Vicki, so beautifully said - and we thank you for sharing your life with us!! Merry Merry Christmas and best wishes for a fabulous 2012!! ;-)) xoxo

  52. Merry Merry Christmas Dear Vicki to you and your beautiful beautiful family! You have been the warmest souce of french essence to my heart when I am not in France. Thank you for filling my fix with a simple image, a simple thought or a sometimes just a simple word. You mean so much to me.
    A Big Warm Hug~

  53. Dear Vicki
    This is a beautiful post and echoes my sentiments exactly; both about blogging and your aspirations for the past and coming year.
    Blogging (You are right-what an ungainly word-we should invent a new one!) has brought me untold pleasure and creative fulfillment in a world I scarcely knew existed just a couple of scant years ago.
    Living in the moment is a constant challenge for me but I continue to be "a work in progress" and for that I am also grateful.

    Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday and Blessings and Good Health in the New Year.


  54. To you and yours Vicki, all the best in the year ahead. Your friendship is indeed enduring.


    Art by Karena

  55. Thanks for a year of great posts - you give me a lifeline to France and I almost feel like I am there for a few minutes a day. Have a well deserved break Vicki.

    Well, it's lunchtime here in Sydney, the miserable grey, rainy weather has gone and there is blue sky, warm weather and a lovely cool breeze. Merry Christmas!

  56. Happy, Happy Christmas, Vicki.
    I'm thrilled and honored to be one of your many readers. You and your blog are a joy.

  57. ... it was a great year for your readers ... best in the new year ... we love you Vicki for your positive outlook and for bringing new ideas to our table ...

  58. Vicki,
    Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy living in the moment in 2012 ~ have a Happy New Year!!

  59. Oh Vicki. Sharing this bloggy caper with you in 2011 has been an unmitigated pleasure. I revel in your approach to life and the way you share your quotidian delights with us. I'm looking forward to walking this road with you in 2012. Have a gorgeous break. J x

  60. Dear Vicky:
    Thank you for beautiful, perfect post to end the year, and for all the pleasures you have giving me this year with all your thoughts, ideas, perspectives and humor.
    Looking forward to 2012,
    Merry Christmas,

  61. Merry Christmas Vicki. Thank you for a wonderful year...looking forward to coming back here after the grand celebration, between leftovers and long hikes and short check out your links! Trish

  62. Merry Christmas. I am following you from Rome, Italy.

  63. A beautiful, blessed Christmas to your and your family Chere Vicki!!!
    Much love and joy in the New Year...
    Warmest wishes,
    - Irina

  64. Vicki,

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! Thank you also for the sweet little bird ornament! The perfect addition to the tree this year..


  65. Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! We had a beautiful sunny Christmas day down here in Oz. The Moet was popped, too much food was consumed & wonderful gifts were given.

    ~ Clare x

  66. Merry Christmas to you too. I found your post very inspiring and intend to put some of the suggestions into practice, starting with over-use of my phone!

  67. I love the top 10 for inter joy.....
    All of my work I do with my clients and my self work is to come back from the past to the present moment, and the gains are really about being truly ok with what ever is in front of you and knowing there is a deep place with in that we can tap into for our own strength and peace, as every thing else is with out our control...

    Enjoy your truly beautiful life with your children and wonderful husband...


  68. Looking at the comments you should Run for congress, My, My are you popular. I know you would be better that most of them.. Anyway
    Happy New Year, to you dear lady..


  69. Vicki....thank you for the gift of your beautiful and inspirational blog. I love hearing, reading and seeing all about beautiful France through your eyes. You have a beautiful way of telling even the simpliest of stories and its always a pleasure to visit you. Wishing you an even better 2012!!

  70. Great pics, love your blog. Please do check out mine if/when you have a chance,happy holidays x

  71. Bonjour Vicki!

    Bonnes Fetes... Happy New Year... we'll see you in 2012..

    Thank you for a wonderful year of French Essence and inspiration!



  72. Very green and red. Very Christmas. Happy New Year too!

  73. Hello Vicki,
    I truly hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and that 2012 in an incredible year for you and yours.
    I truly find your blog an inspirational and enjoyable read and look forward to reading more about you, the Olive Grove, family and of course more about France in the New Year.
    Lou xo

  74. Happy New Year Vicki - I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you and your family. Leigh XX

  75. Hello my dear friend. Happy New Year, new days of happiness.merry chritmas

  76. Best wishes for a new year filled with love, laughter, and all things good and wonderful!
    Where ever your creative mind leads you, ...
    we will follow along to cheer you.
    Hugs and happiness,

  77. your blog is very interesting, chic, beautiful ... I will follow you for some time.
    Happy New Year

  78. Happy New Year and New Year's Eve!
    hugs from Poland!

  79. Dear Vicky, It's been a pleasure visiting
    your blog and you in 2011, From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family all the best of everything for 2012. Happy New Year/

    I have shopped a lot and 3 parties and yes SICK every holiday. My nose is runny, OOOOOH!
    here it comes....


  80. Bonne Année, Vickie! Your blog has given me so many hours of pleasure this year. Looking forward to another year with you!

  81. Happy indulgences and all the very best in the new and beautiful year, Vicki. You are such a bright light in my world, and I thank you for all that you are and all that you do.
    I love your resolutions and am striving for many of them myself.
    Peace, joy and happiness in each moment. Happy New Year.
    xo isa

  82. I hope all your dreams for 2012 come true. Happy New Year!

  83. Happy New Year, Vicki! Wishing you so many moments of joy in this new year! You inspire so many with your talent (and as someone said, the feeling you evoke). Sending the good feelings back your way!

  84. Hi Vicki, we had a little Christmas miracle here... your book (which I ordered online in November) was hand delivered to my door by the local post mistress on Christmas Eve eve - she had forgotten to give it to me when I went to pick up other Christmas parcels and felt bad, so I got your lovely book as a Christmas present rather than a birthday present, Sonya

  85. What a stunning winter wonderland!
    Wishing you a very Happy 2012, Vicki.
    I'm looking forward to sharing another year with you :)
    It will surely be inspiring.
    Steve and I will be in Provence in July.
    Hopefully our paths will cross.



Thank you for visiting French Essence... I love to read your comments and I hope you will be back often... xv